
Where I blab about bunnies and encourage your bunny (and other animal) stories.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Today's pix

Ariel was being so adorable, I just had to take a pic. Her little hands are tucked under her, although you can't see them in the pic. She was dead asleep, even after 4 pix with flash.

And Kayla's taken to hanging out in the litter box in front of the big condo. She spent months in the condo (of her own free will) and now she's got the wanderlust bug. She was all the way across the room hanging out by the TV with Hops yesterday afternoon. But the last few days she's been just chillin' in this litterbox. Pea doesn't like it, but she's closed up in her cage bc I thought I'd let Kayla wander if she wanted to. Pea chased Kayla furiously yesterday as if to say "You're not allowed out here, little one!" Don't tell Pea that Kayla's 3 years older than Pea... Pea's a bully. But I love her!



  • At 11/05/2007 8:39 AM, Blogger Deb Cushman said…

    They do get ideas into their heads about what they are going to do, don't they? You wonder where they come up with some of their plans!

  • At 11/18/2007 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh my, they are just the cutest!

  • At 11/28/2007 8:48 PM, Blogger RG said…

    Who knows why a bunny takes up residence in a litter box for awhile! It is nice and big and clean and soft and maybe just feels good. A new territory to command!


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